Forms and Handbook
As part of enrollment, Schoolhouse families are required to submit a variety of forms, some of which are optional given the circumstances of each family. We have collected links to all of these forms below for your convenience. At the beginning of the list, you will find the San Francisco Schoolhouse Family Handbook, which contains most of the information necessary for understanding how we come together as a community at the Schoolhouse.
Schoolhouse Family Handbook
Annual Information Update
Database - Student and Family Information.: All families need to access the school database every year (and any time this information changes) to verify and/or update the following:
their child's information, including emergency contacts and medical information
their family's information
their child's grandparents information (so we can invite them to our Grandparents and Special Friends Day in November)
Volunteer Driver Form: Parents who drive Schoolhouse students on an Adventure Day, or for other school sponsored events in an official capacity must comply with the following car insurance requirements:
Have a valid California driver's license and be at least 21 years of age.
Have insurance coverage with minimum of $100,000 bodily injury liability per person, $100,000 limit per accident, $100,000 property damage liability/combined single limit.
Drive a safe vehicle in good working order.
Provide a seat belt and/or car seat for each passenger according to the laws of the State of California.
Have an insurable motor vehicle record.
Drivers must complete a Volunteer Driver Form (one per household) and a copy of their current driver license (one per driver) if they have never done so before, or if they have completed the form but the relevant information has changed.
For more information about our car seat requirement, please consult this guide to the new California Car Seat Law (effective 1/1/2017).
Medical Action Plan: If your child has asthma or a several allergy possibly requiring the use of an EpiPen, you must submit one (or both, if applicable) of the following forms each year.
Live Scan Service Form: Schoolhouse requires all parents who will be volunteering at school or during a field trip to complete a criminal history record check via Live Scan fingerprinting. The information you will need for this process can be found on the Live Scan form. (A favorite location for Schoolhouse families to take their Live Scan form is: ID Solutions, 1500 Noriega Street, Suite 100, 415-661-3665. By appointment only.)
All kindergarten families and new students entering first grade: The CA Department of Health Services requires all children to receive a complete health assessment before enrolling in school. Here is the form for your child’s doctor to complete.
All new students entering grades 2-7: Please provide us with a copy of your child’s immunization record. These records can be emailed to, sent in the mail, or hand-delivered to the Schoolhouse.
For more information about the California Immunization Law effective January 1, 2016, please see this helpful guide for parents.
Additional Schoolhouse Forms
Medication Release Form: Parents only need to fill out a Medication Release Form when they need medication administered to their child at school (including over-the-counter meds).
Extended Program Enrollment Form: Complete this form to participate in our before-school or after-school Extended Program.
Request for Reimbursement: To request a reimbursement from the Schoolhouse, follow these procedures and complete this form.
Receipt for In-Kind Charitable Donations form is here.