Who We Are
Who We Are
San Francisco Schoolhouse is a non-profit, independent K-8 school located in the central area of the city, near Hayes Valley. Our intentionally small size, experienced and passionate teachers, experiential curriculum, and active parent participation provide a unique opportunity for families seeking a community-minded progressive education that challenges and supports their child.
Welcome from Head of School

Twelve years ago, I attended an Open House for the Schoolhouse, a small progressive school in the beginning stages of development. What I learned was life-changing, both for my children and myself. The Schoolhouse was a school where children were deeply engaged with their learning, where their curiosity was nurtured, and where their joy of learning was protected and fostered. The belief that with a strong teacher, small classes, and simple tools, anything was possible. This message resonated with me as a parent, and ignited my passion as an educator.
Over the years, those beliefs have evolved,but the Schoolhouse has always remained true to its foundational principles. Teachers strive to meet students at their learning edge, with strong academics in parallel with essential social emotional development. We believe a child cannot truly learn until they feel confident and safe; knowing it is ok to try and fail provides a platform for growth. Schoolhouse is about community: a collective of learners, educators and families sharing the same goals. We partner with students as they strive to become compassionate, resilient, critical thinkers, brave in their interactions with the world around them. We also value students for who they are as individuals, while also honoring their role as community members. We recognize strong academics are essential, built on a balance of subject matter lessons and project work. We believe in helping students find answers for themselves, asking questions and encouraging them to look at concepts in creative and unique ways.
I feel privileged to be a part of this institution where learning is a joy, where classrooms are filled with engaged students and teachers, where our Kindergarteners bond with the oldest of our kids, and where our middle schoolers are encouraged to develop a true sense of self. I invite you to come and learn about our school, and to discover what makes us unique.
Jina Kim
Head of School